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North Carolina, United States

Saturday, July 23, 2011

I've decided what I want to do with my life.

This entry and all those posted under this are transplanted from my old blog. I decided to switch blog sites to start my professional blogging career. More information on that below...

Anyone that knows me should be able to tell you that the thing I want most in this thing we call life is to be famous. I've never known why, but something about people wanting to know what I'm doing every single day appeals to me. Some would say that I crave attention because of a lack of attention from my parents/other authority figures during my childhood. I say that's stupid, I just want to be Zac Efron.
I've slowly come to the realization that I don't have the talent to be as famous as I want to be. I often fantasize about getting my start on American Idol or the Disney Channel, then after being unfairly kicked off of American Idol after making the top 12 or my Disney show runs its course, breaking out into the world. I envy those people who start off with the wholesome image then get to do something dramatic to break out of it. Considering I'm about to turn nineteen, I think the Disney ship has sailed. Unfortunately, the American Idol yacht has been at sea for quite a while now, as I've never been able to sing.
After I accepted my talentless life and future as reality, I had to figure out another way to become famous. I could try to break into acting somewhere other than the Disney channel, but haven't the passion nor the hometown to do that. This revelation led me to my desire to be a journalist. First, I wanted to write for a newspaper as a career because I like to write and, I don't mean to brag, but I can write a mean research paper. That's all good and well, but where the hell would that get me? Ultimately I decided on broadcast journalism, because my face could be on tv and that would at least make me feel famous. Maybe even famous enough to get my memoir on the NYT bestseller list. I assume you have to be famous first to do that. I don't know how else writers get famous, except for that Patterson guy because he advertises his books on tv. 

Even more recently, I have been reading (wtf?) Tucker Max's books and watching every Jenna Marbles video ever posted. These are two people that I really identify with and I could definitely see myself living their lives. How did they get their lives? I don't fucking know, but they're famous. I know Tucker is rich and I'm sure Jenna gets some money from youtube advertisers or something. Tucker made a website, got a book deal. Marbles posts one video and blows up. 
I could totally do that. I personally think my twitter is already celebrity-rate stuff and I'm sure I could come up with something to write a book about. It sure wouldn't be about my sad life, but I think I have a vivid enough imagination. So I've set my sights on becoming an internet celebrity. I'm not sure yet how to get so much exposure, but it's going to happen. Just you wait.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Beyonce: You showed your ass and I saw the real you.

I'm tired of people gushing over Beyonce.
Okay, she's pretty and can sing/scream fairly well. But I'm over the fake-nice she always has going on. She seems so sweet in interviews that people completely overlook how trashy she has become. And not only are her music videos getting trashier, each single is sucking more than the last.
Video example one: "Why Don't You Love Me?"

Not the classiest lyrics ("I've got beauty. I've got class. I've got style and I've got ass"), but I'll hand it to her: she didn't write this song. (Her sister did. Maybe trashy runs in the family) She could have made a fun video, but she decides to romp around with no pants (surprise), stilettos (not complaining) and smoking cigarettes and drinking.

Video example two: Her newest, "Best Thing I Never Had."
First of all, the song is horrible. It's just not catchy and the lyrics are anything but creative or subtle. My favorite: "you showed your ass and I saw the real you." The song seemed like a calm enough ballad, though, so I assumed we'd get a heartfelt video full of emotion. Wrong. We got Beyonce in see-through lingerie. Classy? Never.

ONE more thing about this video: she used (what we're to assume is) real footage of a boyfriend that "showed his ass." That's just bitchy and not in the least bit classy.

PS I've heard her say in several interviews that she doesn't curse.

Final video example: "Irreplaceable," probably one of the songs that made Beyonce such a huge star. The song was catchy and sassy enough, but did anyone else notice the oddly-placed bra and curlers (I guess that's what they're called)? Okay, you're mad at this guy for cheating on you. So you sneak off into the attic and take your shirt off?

Not only are her videos trashy, but I've come to realize that her lyrics are as well. I don't know that she writes all her lyrics, but she still sings them.

Lyrics example one: "Video phone." The entire song.

Lyrics example two: "Kitty Kat." This song, while obviously trashy, had a cute metaphor that was completely shattered and littered with trash when she muttered "your sex ain't all that."

Lyrics example three: Her ill-received attempt at a second single "1+1." Now I haven't heard this song, but, unfortunately, I saw the end of her performance on American Idol a few months ago in which she shouted "Make love to me! Make love to me!" Uhh, that's a family show, B.

As much as I want to, I cannot hate everything and everyone that Beyonce is. I was a very big Beyonce fan up until I heard "Run the World." That's a stupid song and I can only assume that the rest of that album is horrible.
It's not the fact that she is trashy that bothers me. I have no problem with Ke$ha. It's the fact that she acts like she's not trashy that bothers me.
So I will continue to support classic Beyonce/Sasha Fierce but I refuse to sit through her lies any longer.

Oh, and there's this...