Since starting this blog, I have realized that there is no better way to spend my time or to express my thoughts than writing (hence Unfortunately I can't always produce a captivating lengthy narrative when my heart is yearning for self-indulging entertainment. Recently I have been developing an interest that somewhat alleviates the stress of writing something that is worthy of a whole chapter in a book: making lists.
I know. Nerd alert. I always thought that people who enjoyed making lists were freaks. Then I realized that I do it ALL the time. For as long as I can remember, if I needed to remember something, I wrote it down. I mostly have done this when I'm going on a trip; I make a list of things that I need to take in order to remember everything (though that may have more to do with some sort of anxiety than enjoyment). More recently I've been creating lists in my head in order to entertain myself. Please understand that these lists are rarely simple lists: they usually represent the complex and cluttered workings of my mind and each list leads to another list. The first list I made that I truly enjoyed was "Reasons why ______ is gay." For this person's sake, I must omit his name and the list, even though it really was a gem.
If I haven't yet convinced you that making lists can be fun, just know that I've spent the last hour making a list of lists that I could include in this blog post. And just for a little more convincing (and a glimpse into my mind), I will include them in the end of this post. Some of them are short and some of them aren't interesting at all. But the way I see it, making lists is like playing sports when you're a child: pointless, stressful, possibly traumatizing and to be done only "for fun" and not to win.
Things someone should pay me to do because I'm so good at them
Making lists
Dressing myself
Listening to songs on repeat
Things I do when no one is looking
Look at myself in the mirror (frequently)
Talk to myself (though this sometimes happens when people are looking, which isn't good for either of us)
Sing (usually better when no one is listening, for everyone's sake)
Things I would do every day for the rest of my life without anyone paying me
Play with puppies
Things you couldn't pay me to do every day for the rest of my life
Make phone calls
Wake up before 7am (that early is pushing it, but I'm trying to be realistic)
Things that make me so excited that I make strange noises
Emotive noises I make on a daily basis
"Meh," when I don't like something, disapprove or have no feelings at all towards something but am obligated to respond
"Hnnnnn!" I don't know exactly how to type this noise, but if you know me, this is the noise I make when I see a puppy or a bird. Or a midget, but that's for the completely opposite reason.
"Waaah" when I realize that no one loves me, which happens every day.*
Songs I listen to on repeat
"Total Eclipse of the Heart" by Bonnie Tyler
"Shake It Out" by the UNC Loreleis
"Party" by Beyonce
"Cockiness" by Rihanna
Things that make me smile uncontrollably
Jennifer's Body
My best friends
The UNC Loreleis (Spring concert and the debut of their new album on March 24!)
My twitter profile
Things that, if my room was raided by MTV, would tell someone all about me
Dixie Chicks poster
The skeleton on my desk
Approximately 74 Pepsi cans scattered about the room
Lorelei poster/stickers
Zero room in my closet and drawers
Easy things that I have difficulty doing
Remembering my keys
Typing my last name
Closing a door, apparently
Things I just don't understand
How cell phones work
The appeal of tube socks
People who don't care about how they look
Things that freak me out
People on stilts
Talking to people
Endless loops
The future
Being dirty
Things I should be doing right now
Reading one of my many textbooks
Getting a job
Anything but this
Everyday things I find strange
Eating in public
Any human under the age of 10 is a "baby"
"Babies" that aren't within 5 feet of a parent are on their own and are at risk of being stolen
Every dog is a puppy no matter its size or actual age
Songs that I have to hear at a party to be satisfied
Booty Wurk
Dance (A$$)
Killing Me Softly (This one rarely happens)
*This is an over-generalization and a joke. Please don't lecture me.