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North Carolina, United States

Monday, January 3, 2011

I wish I was an Avatar.

Like the blue kind. But the Last Airbender kind would be cool too.
I would make a way better candidate for the Avatar program than Jake Sully. Okay, I'm not a marine. I couldn't protect anyone from anything. But they make it pretty damn clear that there's no way to protect yourself from anything on Pandora, so who gives a shit if you're a marine? Plus...I'm not an idiot. After being chased by that giant panther, he decides to try to fend for himself all night. Just get in a goddamn tree and go to sleep. Then BAM you're back with the humans. Problem solved. Then, of course, if he would've done that, he wouldn't have ended up fucking Zoe Saldana and there would've been no plot. But, hey, I'm trying to be an avatar, not a movie writer. The one problem I would have is with the language. I took three years of French and probably couldn't speak an entire sentence. He learns Na'vi in three hours, or however long this damn movie is.
I do have a problem with "the bond," though. Not so much a problem, really, but a question. You connect that dreadlock with an animal and you can tell it what to do with your mind. Then, apparently some part of the Na'vi sex ritual is making this same bond. Does that mean you can control the person you're connected to? Also, why can't the animals control the people they're connected to? Apparently the animals are ruled by Eywa. Wouldn't the god that controls an entire planet have more power than one little humanoid? PLOT HOLES, James Cameron.

PS I just decided that my favorite character is the woman that drives the helicopter. She's badass.